Portrait318 viewsThe awesome power of Photoshop is nigh impossible to match, much less surpass.
Back Door258 viewsDo do do, looking out my back door…. with a little help from the iPad and Photoshop.
Balloon Head306 viewsAnother iPad/Repix selfie, a bit deflating...
Selfie 3304 viewsAnother iPad/Repix selfie. This one could be a profile image.
Me and My Myka307 viewsPhotoshop and Topaz filters.
Self Portrait301 viewsSemi-abstract using the iPad, PhotoBooth (Light Tunnel), and the upgraded Repix.
Starface302 viewsAnother selfie using the iPad, PhotoBooth (mirror), and the upgraded Repix. Rather fictional.
Drama254 viewsSo many people fail to realize that photography is about light and what one does with it.
Smile250 viewsAnother part of a burst of manipulating stock images, getting Photoshop fleshed out. Nice smile.
Heat246 viewsPhotoshop plugs have gotten very refined in the last few years. They've also gotten a lot fewer. But that's okay.